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PERU 2011 Trip

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:46 pm
by TonUp
Hola.. here's a little slideshow of the Peru birthday trip. We had a big adventure. The traveling between towns is pretty exhausting, tight cramped quarters on busses and trains, seating made for people who are considerably shorter than many visiting foreigners. I did experience 2 days of high altitude sickness. So all the pictures of me at Machu Picchu have fake smiles, I really just felt like vomiting. But the overall experience of actually being there, outweighs all that you go through to be there. It was truly amazing.

The flyover of the Nasca Lines was another huge highlight of the trip. I was glad I took motion sickness pills, or it may not have nearly as much fun. The pilots want everyone to have an excellent view of all the desert drawings, so the little plane not only weaves up and down, but also flips from side to side, so each side of the plane gets equal viewing of the drawins. Wow, it's quite a ride.

We got back last Tuesday and we're still recuperating. Not much oxygen at those high altitudes and lots and lots and lots of hiking straight up. All the roads are beautiful switchbacks, that make you want to ride them on your motorcycle. Most that we were on, were in great shape. Not much wider than 1 1/2 lanes, but all switchbacks, no matter where you're headed, it's all switchbacks.

They still use terracing for farming the Andes, so not only will you see them in the pictures of the ruins, but also, just along the countryside. The people were very friendly, but hard to understand. They have some difficult dialects and a whole different local language, which is Not Spanish. So even Tito had a difficult time understanding some of what the locals were telling us. We met a lot of travelers from all over South American, Canary Islands, Europe, Australia... all like minded people, so there were lots of smiles everywhere. Even as we were huffing and puffing on our way up another ruin. Those Inca's loved to live up on the highest of mountains..

So here are the pictures. I hope you enjoy them. Tito and I had an incredible trip, lots and lots of fantastic memories to share for many years to come.

password is chipmunk.